Monday, February 2, 2009

Why are you bad Philippines???

Have you ever been in a situation that you felt you just needed to shut up and ignore your

feelings just to avoid another fight? Have you ever felt that you are in a middle of something important but the other person seems not to care at all? Well, this is just some crazy shit in my nuts right now and I am writing it down just to ease the constant desolation of my present situation.

SOMEBODY gonna get hurt... REAL BAD!

I know this is just another lame entry for the untold saga of love, issues and reality. I could write a series of self help book about what to do or what not to do to make your love life easy but the things I know seems not working for me. I don’t exactly know how to explain things without actually spilling the whole jar of beans because I am too lazy to narrate the whole story.

A part of my brains is actually not doing well right now. That part of me actually wanted to do something bad to another human being. It could be physical harm or anything that will surely annihilate a person’s existence (that’s harsh). But the other part of me says, I just need to calm myself and just shut up.

I am beating myself up just to come up with something to solve this issue. I just don’t know how to say my thoughts without sounding like a manipulative bitch trying to ruin a potentially developing friendship. But if the persons inside that friendship were creating a huge gap between you and the one you love… then someone has to stop it. Someone has to do something.

Sweet Jesus! The whole idea of me transforming into a nice girl is really tough. Just as I thought, being nice is a big effort. Why are you bad Philippines???

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