Couples are goggling around the idea of how they will lessen the fight scene and focus on how to make their lives hassle-free. It downright to the issues that mostly blame by these lovebirds… well, that there’s an undefined gap between women’s mentality to men’s egos.
Now who’s to be blame?
I guess it’s easy to say than doing it but accept it or not… everything that happens in and out of your relationship will depends on how the couples deals with it.
Adjustments are crucial to both and it MUST be a part of your relationship. But these changes should be done by meeting halfway. Better select the option where you can revitalize your partner’s bad behavior but not totally spring out a new person from her. Let your partner be themselves and lighten down the things that you thought would make them a better person.
Communication is important than any solid items inside a shiny metallic gift wrappers. Girls would mostly appreciate a healthy and solemn conversation with their man on their anniversary than a diamond necklace. Well, of course I didn’t mean to shut all gift giving days and concentrate with saliva drying chit chat in Starbucks. Price is not a requirement, it’s just an additional points but try hitting on the sentimental part… that whacks off the whole thing.
Absence is one of the most unnoticed lapses on both parts. Making your partner knows that you think of him in the middle of a traffic jam in EDSA will flattened his stress lines in his forehead. It doesn’t really necessary that you have to go and visit her in the middle of the night, her parents might call security having you mistaken as a robber or dugu dugu gang. Just a simple text reminding her how much you miss her will do the trick.
Stress is the number one adversary of healthy relationship. Most women tends to be extra bitchy when they are in the middle of mountainous pile of paper works as well as men could be a total grumpy when they have three important deadlines all in the same day and same time. The trick: take an extra effort to separate work from your social life. Let your partner be your inspiration to your work. To hell with all those deadlines… I am SUPERMAN and Wonderwoman is my girlfriend’s nickname…*wink
Security… four words, SE-CU-RI-TY. Saying I love you three times a day is not enough to prove your man that you love him. Making him feel that you love him wherever you go, even if Brad Pitt is butt naked in front of you…
Broken promises… another number one No-No to relationship. A promise is a promise. Kill the guy who invented the saying, promises are made to be broken. If you can’t keep promises then better not do it at all.
Cheaters are the foulest creature ever existed in the planet HooLaHU… There’s nothing to explain about this one. Rule number one: Love is the most dangerous game to play. So do not pretend that you can crack of your partner’s nuts. You’ll definitely trick her ones but the Big Guy up there is looking right at ya'll… BEWARE of that Divine punishment. It sucks like a lot.
And finally… just make an effort to make the relationship work. Don’t let him do all the works and you’ll sit there having the best times of your lives. Make your relationship rocks by being positive. Don’t miss a day to tell your partner how much you love him or her… because you’ll never know how much time you’ve wasted before it’s too late…
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