I never thought I would come up with this but being alone for the rest of my life is better than spending my entire existence with some washed-up douche. Nowadays, finding the “husband” is like looking for a needle in a stack of hay. I’ve been lurking the dating area since I hit puberty and I always end up with a fucked-up guy or I ended fucking it up. I knew how hard it is to be in a relationship and the odds you need to beat in order to keep it. I am willing to take that risk before but somehow along the road I feel like there is no existing man that is worth the fight. I am not giving up on love rather I think love has already given up on me.
I formulated this sole bitter theory, that men nowadays are categorized into three; “the good in paper guy but already TAKEN”, “the good in paper guy but GAY” and the last but not the least is the “UGLY TRUTH guy”. I think I don’t need to elaborate on that last one because all you need is to think of all the negative thoughts, descriptions, traits (both physical and mental), personality, habits etc. put it all together and there you will have him.
I am not saying that single women like me should start signing up to every speed dating events or indulge themselves with blind dates and online mail order groom because we now have a serious scarcity of potential husbands. Actually, this is a rant… I am frustrated and a bit perplexed. Where are the good men? Where is the love? Where is my prince charming? I can’t honestly understand what happen in our world right now. Why all the good men are taken or gay and we are left with scumbags, assholes and dickheads? I was kind of convinced that the world had gone mad while I was asleep.
Should we start worrying right now? Should we start marrying gay guys instead? Should we start inserting personality make-over subjects in our educational system? Should the legislative system implement an anti-douchery law to prevent douche guys from multiplying? I’d really like to know because it sucks to stay hopeful yet keep on failing.
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