When I was a baby, my parents discovered that I have an allergy towards food with lactose content when I got a bad reaction from the regular baby milk that they fed me. From then on, I live my infant life with soy-based baby products or anything without lactose as an ingredient. My mom told me that I really don’t like the awful taste of my soya-based milk and I got used to snatching feeding bottles from other kids. Though it was bad, my mom allowed me from time to time just to replenish the cravings. My parents and the doctors didn’t know where it came from and reside to the fact that maybe I was born that way. I am not the only person who has allergies from food and certain substance. And despite of the advance technology that we have right now, medical experts are still unaware where these allergies came from and still dwell from the same reason that… we are born that way. However, if certain allergies from food and various materials are hereditary or obtained from genes, I can’t help but wonder, how about intolerance from emotions and feelings? Where are these shit came from? Is it safe to say that maybe we are just born that way?
I had this assumption a few days back when I woke up one morning and thought, “Women consider big romantic gestures as sweet yet very hard to believe because after all there is a fine line between true love and good acting…” I just recently discovered that most women today are, for lack of better term, cynical when it comes to romance. When a man is pulling a Shakespeare on us after the initial “Aaaaww” reaction the big question comes right after in a nano-second. Questions such as, are you for real or is this just a put-up show to get in to my pants? We easily questioned the lack of sincerity when we see bold quixotic act from a man who is wooing us.
The words and teachings of William Shakespeare are now in the fairy tales section. It is romantic, profound and wonderful but unreal. Despite the fact that we live in a very conservative (see: hypocrite) country, the new breed of the dalagang Filipinas are mostly freaked out when their Romeo surprise visit them on a weekend with bouquet of Holland Tulips and heart-shaped Ferrero Rocher on hand. And it is definitely a shocker when we wake up in the morning and see our man cooking breakfast instead of snoring loudly besides us. Women like paying equally on dates, we don’t want our pink purse carried around by our man, we don’t want our guys doing errands for us and we most certainly don’t want our man buying stuffs that we can’t buy for ourselves because we are on shopping ban. It might be an act or done in good intention but how can we differentiate?
We are becoming romance intolerant day by day and it sucks that we can’t do anything about it. As much as we force ourselves to believe that Prince Charming will come and sweep our feet away or Romeo will drink poison for mere profession of love (which is bizarre and stupid BTW), we can’t. It’s not the way it used to be. Women have been fucked up by men for gazillion generations, from year one until today so men can’t really blame us for thinking this way. Just like allergies, it is acquired genetically passing from generation to the other. Having short tolerance in romance is like a disease that can pass on by one person to another. And just like what medical doctors can say towards the origins of allergies, love experts will just definitely advice you with… Sorry Bro! Maybe they are just born that way.
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