DISCLAIMER: This is a very disturbing entry. It’s full of anger and disappointment. So for those who are involved, I don’t ask for your sympathy… I NEED YOUR APOLOGY because I deserve one…
This marks the end of my noble and humbling service for my high school old buddies. I volunteered to organize a shitful reunion shindig for my co-alumni in Baste. I thought I was doing it all right and I have everyone supporting my back… turned out, it was just a big joke and everyone was laughing except me.
I knew it wasn’t that easy reuniting old peepz from different parts of the Philippines but I am kind of hopeful that we all share the same sentiments like missing the old things we used to do. I HAD IT ALL WRONG! The planning stage was undeniably sweet. It was really really fun and everyone was doing their own share of ideas and comments. But as we get closer to the date… each one of them were popping like bubbles and magically vanished in to thin air.
I got so pissed that pushed me to send away angry text messages to everyone stating that the event
[caption id="attachment_101" align="alignright" width="400" caption="thou shall not kill... but i have to!"]
was cancelled. I am tired of begging for their presence and planning this whole damn thing by myself. Nobody cares, so I should not care too… royt! It’s not as if they are paying me for doing this shiteous labor. And if ever they will, they can never afford it. I have tons of important things to do. They are all lining up in my bucket list and I should deal with these instead of this reunion-crap. I know I am sounding like a melodramatic bitch but all of you should at least have a single care because… for once we became part of each others life. At least, recognize the effort and try not to be as fucktard people as you all are now.
I know I am burning bridges just by typing away these words… and I am not referring to the entire U-PACS group. You know who you are and I say this clearly… YOU SHOULDN’T BACK AWAY WHEN YOU SAID THAT YOU ARE COMING because naturally we are counting on you. Cancelling at the last minute is so fuckin work of a retard.
And there’s another person involved in the planning who got his ass screwed because some of you decided not to cooperate. I felt sorry for this dude because he was forced to pay the resort’s reservation fee. I don’t know what happen next but I am sure he is effed up too. I am sorry Ed…
I probably had the worst reputation in our batch and I know everyone considered it as a fact. And now, I am embracing that image whole heartedly without thinking twice. You may dislike me and I don’t give an effin fuck to care. Pero kayo ang nang-iiwan sa ere, so you are no better than I am. I organized this thing to help rejuvenate our friendship because I thought we share the same feelings. But now, I think there’s really no friendship to revive at all.
But anyway, there are few people… the old people I always count on to. My BBRC group who never let me down decided to refurnished the old plan and decided to washed away all of the negatives vibes by traveling up north.
So as my stat message says, PAGUDPUD HERE WE COME!!!
This is the way I get pissed, part II ito, girl...