Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I take it back… I am not dying!

I need to un-blog my last entry. I am not dying, at least not yet for now. I still have to undergo on a 6 months observation for this thingy. If it gets worst, then probably, that’s the time that I should start worrying.


That’s it… so, THANK YOU LORD! I am not yet hitting nirvana anytime soon.

Monday, January 26, 2009


The most awaited team building is officially over. We had fun and definitely we developed the kind of bonding that the said event was aiming for. Though the ending wasn’t that right for me… since I had to go home unexpectedly since the tiring events weren’t tolerable enough, the whole 24 hours of non-stop adventures mixed with unexpected drama were totally great.


I’ve been through so many battles in my life. As a child, I couldn’t imagine that I have encountered so many things and what made it special was… I am still here standing and still fighting. There was a time that I stopped from making things all right because I am tired… But He showed me that I still have hope and so I must go on. That’s what I did…

But life seems to be ungrateful for me. It’s as if I have to fight for everything before I could totally have it. I have to fight for my family name, I have to fight for my relationship just to keep it right and now… I still have to fight for my life.

I didn’t see this coming but yes… for the past four weeks; I’ve been so worried and scared. But the worst news had just reached me. Positive! My left breast has a cystic nodule at the 10 o’clock position, measuring 0.94 x 0.29 cm. In short, I have a cyst and I need to undergo serious medication. I don’t know how bad it will be… all I know is that I am so effin scared.

So what can I wish for??? But may God bless me…

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Ring...

This is just a follow up entry from the previous blog I wrote.... the one that I said that the boyfriend gave me an engagement ring and asked me to take him as my partner for the rest of our lives. Here's the photograph of the ring and the flowers... I know! It's perfect...

and this is it...

UPDATES: Be envious! (masaya ka na ha bentot!)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Vacation Hang-over!

As an update to my previous post, I spent the remaining days of my vacation in bed nursing a bad cold. To suck up the boredom in my room, I smacked in the coolest (at least the only thing I haven’t watched aside from Hip Hop Abs) DVD in my player and began watching teenage drama in the gossip world.

you know you love THEM xoxo Gossip Girl

As what they all say… don’t judge the book by its cover. I spent the New Year’s Eve in my room watching the first season of Gossip Girl. I love it! I love it! I love it! I am tormenting myself while feeling so envious about how much money they have and now I am sort of obsessed to live my life just like them (even though reality says I can not). Now, I am finding another loooongggg weekend to start up with the second season.


It is my birthday week and as an annual celebration, I threw out a party last Saturday with few people that are special in my life. Well, actually, I am kind of short in cash that is why I invited few guests (those who are worthy of spending my few cash with) instead of having a big celebration just like the old times.

itz mah birthday!

I had a chocolate party for a change. Yes! The day was filled with sinful yet irresistible sweets that send us all to heaven. I love chocolates and I sure do that my guests felt the same way too. My best friend who I haven’t seen for ages surprisingly showed up ditching his girl’s anniversary. The crimson abstract, the sunrise shot gun and the digital day dream were also there and made the virgin crowd go wild. And of course, the boyfriend was there too, helping me in every ways he can.

To sum it all up, I enjoyed that night and so far… that day was one of the best birthday’s I’ve ever had.